Memory Box Studios captures audio and video life stories
We provide on site as well as remote recording of anything you desire. Our portable recoding studio is ready to go…
Audio engineering and video capture
Capture treasured family stories for ever in the voice of a loved one. Collect business intel and how to’s from employees aging out of the role.
High quality audio
Your audio memories will be recorded in high definition with 48 kHz sample encoding.
We can also videotape your audio recording session. You can watch a loved one tell tall tales
Multi Media Collection
Onsite visits can also include digitization and caputre of other family media. Find out more
Portable Hardware
We bring the studio to you. Mic’s and mixer and all the bits to caputure clear memories
Remote Software
We can also bring the studio to you online. Our remote studio software is one click easy
Voice Synthesis
Digital voice recreation as a concept is not new but it really is. Record a loved one so they may live on in the metaverse
“I lost my brother to ALS. Its took his voice and I wish I could hear it again”
Ryan Wiseman
Engineer, MemoryBox Studios
Like to start recording memories?
A keepsake for all in the family to have